

[Before Messiaen "달에 홀린 피에로"] Arnold Schönberg: Pierrot Luna…


2022일신프리즘콘서트시리즈 [Before Messiaen "달에 홀린 피에로"]
ILSHIN PRISM CONCERT [Before Messiaen "Pierro Lunaire"]
2022.02.22. Tue. @일신홀 ILSHIN HALL

Arnold Schönberg: Pierrot Lunarie, Op. 21
아르놀트 쇤베르크: 달에 홀린 피에로, 작품 21

1. Mondestrunken (Drunk with Moonlight)
2. Colombine (Columbine)
3. Der Dandy (The Dandy)
4. Eine blasse Wäscherin (A Pallid Washerwoman)
5. Valse de Chopin
6. Madonna
7. Der kranke mond (The Sick Moon)

8. Nacht (Passacaglia) (Night)
9. Gebet an Pierrot (Prayer to Pierrot)
10. Raub (Theft)
11. Rote Messe (Red mass)
12. Galgenlied (Gallows Song)
13. Enthauptung (Beheading)
14. Die Kreuze (The Crosses)

15. Heimweh (Homesickness)
16. Gemeinheit! (Foul Play)
17. Parodie (Parody)
18. Der Mondfleck (The Moon Spot)
19. Serenade
20. Heimfahrt (Barcarole) (Journey Home)
21. O Alter Duft (O Ancient Fragrance)

Cond. 정한결 (Han-Gyul Chung)
M.Sop. 김지선 (Ji-Sun Kim)
Fl.,Picc. 이지영 (Ji-Young Lee)
Cl.,B.Cl. 문승주 (Seung-Ju Moon)
Vn.,Va. 윤염광 (Yeum-Kwang Yune)
Vc. 오주은 (Joo-Eun Oh)
Pf. 정선인 (Sun-In Chung)

* 공연프로그램북 보러가기 : https://bit.ly/3EuK6bb

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